MRAI Convolutional Neural Network

class mrainet.mraicnn.MRAIConvolutionalNeuralNetwork(patch_size=(31, 31), classes=[1, 2, 3], num_draw=10, num_kernels=[8], kernel_size=[(3, 3)], dense_size=[16, 8], strides=(1, 1), dropout=0.1, l2=0.001, margin=1, optimizer='rmsprop', batch_size=32, num_epochs=1)

Network for MRI-scanner acquisition-invariant representation learning.

Class of convolutional neural networks that aim to map patches of two datasets from different MRI-scanners Methods include image processing operations, pair sampling and Siamese loss minimization.


compile_net(self) Compile network architecture.
contrastive_loss(self, label, distance) Contrastive Siamese loss.
extract_random_patches(self, X, Y) Extract a random set of patches from image.
feedforward(self, patches, scan_ID) Feed a set of patches forward through the network.
gen_index_combs(self, x) Generate combinations of two index arrays.
index2patch(self, X, index) Slice patches from an image at given indices.
l1_norm(self, x) l1-norm for loss layer.
l2_norm(self, x) l2-norm for loss layer.
load_model(self, model_fn, weights_fn) Load model from filename.
matrix2sparse(self, X[, edge, remove_nans]) Map matrix to a sparse array format.
sample_pairs(self, X, y, Z, u[, num_draw]) Sample a set of pairs of patches from two images.
save_model(self, model_fn, weights_fn) Save model to filename.
segment_image(self, X, model[, feed, …]) Segment a new image using the trained network.
subsample_rows(self, X[, num_draw]) Take a random subsample of rows from X.
train(self, X, Y, Z, U[, num_targets]) Train the network using pairs of patches from the images.

Compile network architecture.

contrastive_loss(self, label, distance)

Contrastive Siamese loss.

For similar pairs, it consists of the squared Lp-distance. For dissimilar pairs, it consists of a hinge loss with respect to a margin parameter.

label : int

Similarity label, 1=similar and 0=dissimilar

distance: float

Lp-norm between pairs of patches mapped through the network.


Loss value for current pair of patches.

extract_random_patches(self, X, Y)

Extract a random set of patches from image.

X : array

Input image to sample patches from.

Y : array

Label image corresponding to X.

patches : array

Patches array, num patches by patch height by patch width by 1.

labels : array

Tissue label array corresponding to patches array.

feedforward(self, patches, scan_ID)

Feed a set of patches forward through the network.

patches : array

Contains patches in form of number of patches by patch height by patch width by 1.

scan_ID : int

Scanner identification variable, indicating from which MRI-scanner these patches came from.


Final layer representation of patches fed forward through the network.

gen_index_combs(self, x)

Generate combinations of two index arrays.

index2patch(self, X, index)

Slice patches from an image at given indices.

X : array

input image

index : array

Row and column indices for the provided image.

patches : array

Number of patches by patch height by patch width by 1.

l1_norm(self, x)

l1-norm for loss layer.

l2_norm(self, x)

l2-norm for loss layer.

load_model(self, model_fn, weights_fn)

Load model from filename.

model_fn : str

Filename of saved model.

weights_fn : str

Filename of saved weight matrix.

matrix2sparse(self, X, edge=(0, 0), remove_nans=False)

Map matrix to a sparse array format.

X : array

Matrix that should be mapped to sparse array format, may contain NaN’s.

edge : tuple(int, int)

Dimensions of edge to ignore.

remove_nans : bool

Whether to remove NaN’s as tissue labels.

sX : array

Original matrix mapped to (i,j,v) format where i corresponds to the i-th row of X, j to the j-column of X and v of the value at position (i,j) of X.

sample_pairs(self, X, y, Z, u, num_draw=(10, 1))

Sample a set of pairs of patches from two images.

X : array

slice from source MRI-scanner

y : array

source tissue index sparse array; where each row i,j,k consists of the pixel’s row index i, the pixel’s column index j and the pixel’s tissue k.

Z : array

slice from target MRI-scanner

u : array

target tissue index sparse array; where each row i,j,k consists of the pixel’s row index i, the pixel’s column index j and the pixel’s tissue k.

num_draw : tuple(int, int)

maximum number of patches to draw from (source, target)

P : list[A, B, a, b]

contains pairs of patches and scanner identifications

S : array

contains similarity labels between pairs

save_model(self, model_fn, weights_fn)

Save model to filename.

model_fn : str

Filename to save model to.

weights_fn : str

Filename to save weight matrix to.

segment_image(self, X, model, feed=True, mapost=False, scan_ID=1)

Segment a new image using the trained network.

X : array

new image that needs to be segmented.

model : sklearn-model

Trained classifier from scikit-learn, needs to have a predict method.

feed : bool

whether the extracted patches should be fed through the network, a value of False is for experimental purposes (def: True)

mapost : bool

whether to map the predictions to a maximum a posteriori form. (def: False)

scan_ID : int

scanner identification of new image.

preds : array

Label image of same size as input image, containing predictions made by the provided trained classifier.

subsample_rows(self, X, num_draw=1)

Take a random subsample of rows from X.

X : array

Array to subsample from.

num_draw : int

Number of rows to subsample.

replace : bool

Whether to replace sampled rows.


Smaller array.

train(self, X, Y, Z, U, num_targets=1)

Train the network using pairs of patches from the images.

X : array

source scans, slices by height by width

Y : array

source labels, slices by height by width

Z : array

target scans, slices by height by width

U : array

target labels, slices by height by width, contains NaN’s at unknown labels

num_targets : int

How many target labels to use.
